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Is Google going bad?

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh

About 20 years ago, Microsoft was on the peak. Those were the days young shareholders became millionaires. Everybody was super smart, innovative, loving the company. This was reflected to the outside world as well. People were seeing Microsoft as the dream company, they were all wishing to be developers to join the big MS.

Years later, people began to sue Microsoft, a lot of Anti-trust cases were issued, the biggest of them was about to break the big giant (I'm talking about merging IE into the OS when BillG lost about 40billions of his wealth).

Since that time, people's perception about Microsoft has changed, from the dream company to the enemy. Some people don't even know why they don't like Microsoft, they just don't.. they don't like windows because they just don't... they hate office because it's a MS product... A lot others have their very respected reasons. After all, MS will never be as it was 20 years ago.

How is this related to the title? it's actually very very related. When MS was built, I wasn't born yet, I was actually born when they built their first 6 buildings in the big MS campus. This's why all what I said was history that I read about... on the other hand, when Google was born and began to gain land, I was actually using the PC.. searching with Altavista/msn. So it's easier for me to watch and see what is happening over there...

Google at first was a "nice trial from a couple of young PhD guys" then it became "a great solution to many of our daily problems" then it became "the Internet Giant" then "Are they trying to dominate the web?" these days people started to actually "fight" against Google, more and more -unconfirmed- stories being published online about guys worked there and hated what the environment/type of work.

People started to question what Google do, as opposed to "loving" how Google do things.. of course a part of this is the fact that Google's actually started doing not-their-type of things (things like the weird Yahoo deal)

For me as a developer, I still admire both Google and Microsoft I admire the fact that they both have started very very small and ended up changing how the world handles a very trivial problem.

I wish Google doesn't continue doing mysterious steps and to start talk to change this bad perception they are gaining everyday. I will not be happy to see another fight against Google as it's going against MS.



  1. :) Like your post, though I sorta expected you to drill down more into the reasons behind the sudden change of attitudes. Keep on blogging! :)

  2. Do you mean that you are against the idea of monopoly and domination of a specific company over the market of a certain service or industry?

  3. Interesting post! all I see from Google is just a great business success and touches everyone's life, and we have to admit their mission and support them, however I think it's kinda healthy to progressively criticize - not fight - them, that would make them aware of their mistakes and get aligned to their original values..


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