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Early look at MFC new feature pack

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh

After the release of VS2008, VC++ team released a feature pack that includes a LOT of enhancemets to VC++...

One of the biggest steps is the built in support for Office 2007 UI styles (Ribbon, themes,.. etc)..

Here is what you get after creating a regular 0-code new project in MFC:

It also automatically saves the settings of the application theme, tool bar positions... etc in the registry to retrieve them on startup...

You can download the VC++ 2008 Feature Pack here

Last note, this set of UI controls is not originally implemented by MS, it's a third party that implemented them but MS aquired the control set and made sure they are fully compatible..

Looking forward for a similar step for C# guys ;)


  1. And does that need the MFC library shipped with VS2008 or is it compatible with MFC version shipped with VS2005 ?

  2. Replying on myself :)...

    It needs VS2008, as stated in the minimum requirements of the pack's download page


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