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Is it a paradise day or people seeking for it !!

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh

Today was a special day... it was just unusual (starting by the tirrible weather and wind :D )..

Date: Thrusday, April 05, 2007.
Time: All the day.
Event: Hosting a day for Orphan kids.
Location: Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University.

You can't imagine how great it was, day full of fun, games, Cartoon, they even brought a magician to do some tricks!!... it was just great..

Actually, what I want to speak about is not the event itself nor about the preparations... I want to speak about those guys (guys & girls) who spent the past 3 days nearly awake, just to prepare for today...
Yesterday, I knew that they decided to call the day "Paradise Day", so I said to myself "It's more likely to be guys seeking the paradise"... they were doing this for the sake of Allah (I hope this for all of them :) )...
I don't know how to describe what I saw in their eyes, maybe I can say it's Joy mixed with Tiredness.... no no, it's something else... You must see them to feel what I felt...

Whatever, the day ended -or about to- and I think if those kids forgot it, non of the FCISers can forget it...

Thank You Organizers (I don't want to mention names not to forget anyone)..
Special thanks to Dodoo (the initiative)..

جزاكم الله خيرَ الجزاء وادخلنا وإياكم فسيحَ جناته

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh


  1. I liked this post very much.

    Actually I didn't wanna write this comment before cuz I don't consider myself an rganizer be sara7a.

    I wished I thought of this words before like u did. When I first heard them I thought they meant "It is like paradise for those kids" as they r "ma7romeen" y3ny we e7na han7awel nes3edhom be ay taree2a fel day da. But really the meaning u said is much bigger and I should have thought about it before 3shan el neya teb2a le keda "lel Paradise".

  2. Alsalam 3likom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh

    May be I'm sooo late .. but I've only read the topic today - and some of the others , they are really gr8 - and felt I wanna reply ..

    Really thank you so much for these great words .. I felt a great joy that it sounded as I read ..
    Getting such effect was beyond my thoughts ,but it touched me so much :) ..

    I wish we were able to make a change even if it were soo small mainly in those Kids' daily lives .. and ours too (FCISians) :)..

    Thank you so much again ..
    Jazakum Allahu 7'ayran katheeran :) ..
    and In Shaa Allah you be from those you said about " Guys seeking The Paradise "

    together with all the Guys & Girls who shared in making this day , independent of what they were on that day :))

    Alsalam 3likom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh


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