Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh
I've read a gr8 article in MSDN and I thought to share it... here r some quotes from it
- Load other forms in the background and populate controls with data before using the Show method.
- Use an off-screen bitmap. For an example, see How to: Draw Images Off-Screen.
- Override the OnKeyDown, OnKeyPress, and OnKeyUp methods on controls instead of adding key event handlers.
- Avoid using the ToString method of an enumeration because of the performance impact it incurs by searching metadata tables.
- Strings are immutable, so a new String object is created every time you modify the string. Consider using a StringBuilder when constructing a string that will be modified often.
- Use the ParseExact method for a DateTime if you know the exact format used for DateTime serialization. Otherwise, the DateTime parser will sequentially try to apply several culture-specific formats.
- Whenever possible, specify the size of your collection, because dynamic resizing can greatly increase excess storage.
- Use generic collections to avoid the boxing and unboxing overhead for value types. Defining your own optimized collection results in the best performance.
- Avoid virtual calls.
- Use fields instead of properties where possible.
And here is a link to the Article
Those points in bold attracted me...
Alsalam Alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh
I've read a gr8 article in MSDN and I thought to share it... here r some quotes from it
- Load other forms in the background and populate controls with data before using the Show method.
- Use an off-screen bitmap. For an example, see How to: Draw Images Off-Screen.
- Override the OnKeyDown, OnKeyPress, and OnKeyUp methods on controls instead of adding key event handlers.
- Avoid using the ToString method of an enumeration because of the performance impact it incurs by searching metadata tables.
- Strings are immutable, so a new String object is created every time you modify the string. Consider using a StringBuilder when constructing a string that will be modified often.
- Use the ParseExact method for a DateTime if you know the exact format used for DateTime serialization. Otherwise, the DateTime parser will sequentially try to apply several culture-specific formats.
- Whenever possible, specify the size of your collection, because dynamic resizing can greatly increase excess storage.
- Use generic collections to avoid the boxing and unboxing overhead for value types. Defining your own optimized collection results in the best performance.
- Avoid virtual calls.
- Use fields instead of properties where possible.
And here is a link to the Article
Those points in bold attracted me...
Alsalam Alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh
interesting ..those in bold ;)