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ACM National 2005

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh,

here i'm back to speak about last national contest ..

First of all, we have to admit that the orgnization was mmmm something bad .... the contest was supposed to start at 12 but it started after el 3asr (about 3:45 pm) they have some reasons like having to put the patch of PC^2 (that was released early that day) on all pcs..... etc. Anyway the contest started after we all were mmmm totaly exhausted ( don't consider this a cuz for us not to be the first ;) )

The contest started .... we all opened the envelops... picked up the ProblemSet.. divided the problems on us .... I took A, B & C, Abdalla took D, E & F and Mustafa took G, H (they were the hardest :D)... my problemset contained the easiest problem ... so after i read my 3 problems.. we decided that i start coding Prbolem A... Send ... Yes.....e7l .... i don't remember exactly who coded after me ... i think abdalla ... Send... WA (u will laugh when u know what was the mistake.... later ;) )... then Mustafa .... WA (u will laugh also when u know the error but also later ;) )... then me again.... Send ... TimeLimit Exceeded.... modified ... Send... WA.... modified ... Send ... YES (tab3an Abdalla howa ellee kan modifing :D:D) then Mustafa and Abdalla were debuging Mustafa's problem... Sent... after some WA... we got YES now it's time to tell u that his mistake was that he was sorting an array of n+1 elements and he was actually sorting only the fist n elements ::: we wanted to kill him :D bas deh bete7sal fe a7san el 3a2elat :D.....
U should know now that we r ranked the last in the groups who solved 3 problems....
Now Abdalla was debugging his problem.... while Mustafa and me were thinking in the Geometry problem ....
When we reached a solution... I was handed this problem to code it .... (3la ganb ma3a nafsee kedah ..) while Mustafa and Abdalla were reading Abdalla's problem again to check the requirements ..... when suddenly i heared them saying oooooooooooooh then Abdalla jumpped to the pc... modified it .... Sent ... YES.... now it's time to know his fault, the problem asked u to write a number then after it the word "digits" sure if the number is 1, we should write "digit" simply this was his falut :D:D:D:D:D...
Now we were in the last place of the people solved 4 problems... so we knew we need at least a problem to be the second (the fist AUC had 5 problems solved till now ..)
Now i had already coded the problem on the pc... (intersections we araf we kalam kedah ...) then we started to debug it... we all were debugging it ...... it was about to be solved ( i discovered that later when i came home that it was a fault in my code ... mmm it costed me about 5 minutes to discover and repair it at home :D)

At last, the contest was about to finish (10 minutes remaining) when the code started to output right solutions.... but mmmm the contest finished without sumitting it ... :(.... e7l e7l...

ba3d el mofarakat alatee 7adathat fel contest we ba3doh :
- After the contest we met the administrator of the Contest.... I don't remember his name... he was a friendly person... el mohem he was speaking about "Ainshams 2" team ( that is amigos ;) ) he said "el team dah aslan e7na konna maskeeno tarya2a men awel el contest le3'ayt a7'ro we konna mesh 3arfeen dool naymeen walla eih bas fe a7'er sa3a et2akedna ennohm kanno naymeen :D:D:D"
Note : ellee 7asal en Amigos kano 7allo el 3 problems before the last hour and submitted them but they got WA simply cuz there were a very fool error :D :D mesh hafda7hom now ;) el mohem fe a7'er sa3a they got the problem and submitted their 4 problems and got YES so the man was sure they were sleeping during the fisrt 4 hours of the contest :D...

- AAST (el academya el 3arabya) had two teams there, one of them contained 2 of the most powerful members they have ... that team told the other team (who was formed of students...) "if u got a good position we will take u with us to el kawit".. the interesting thing is that "powerful" team got the 5th place and the rookie team got the 4th place ;) ;) ;) ;)...

... If i remembered something else .... i'll tell u for sure ISA...

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh


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