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The Art of saying "Sorry"

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh

"I'm Sorry" when those simple words became so hard to be said !!! I just felt so yesterday.. I thought "Why don't u just send an email or an SMS saying 'I'm Sorry', does this cost u anything?" Actually this would cost nothing... but then I thought of them and... yes. Sometimes they cost.

When not to say "I'm sorry":
  • When you just said "yes, I did that to that person, cuz he just doesn't give me any room"... apology here may look like you are taking a backward step. Which may make you lose some ground...
When to say "Sorry":
  • When you feel you have mistaken. Saying "I'm Sorry" will make you feel more relaxed and believe it or not, in most cases it will make the other side less tension.
  • One important note, never never expect the other side to say "Okay, I forgive you" this is just an advice not to be surprised by their re-action or by refusal of your "sorry". Face it, you apologized, they refused, that's it.... You may try other ways, like convincing them you care about them. That whatever happens, you just don't want them to be annoyed of you.... etc
I've been mistaken to a lot of people recently... or let's rephrase it, a lot got annoyed of things I did or said to them recently... whether I agree/disagree with them, I just care about them.... will a "sorry" work here ?!!...

Some may believe I don't need to say "Sorry" and just change the attitude.... which is one of the choices I have... but nobody can change the past.... so maybe "Sorry" would make them write "Case Closed" on the past's file...... I hope!

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh


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