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Morocco...Day 3

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barkatoh

Actually, I'm not so free nowadays cuz we r having exams so soon... but I prefered to post what I still remember cuz u know my memory, few days later I may forget the contest results itself :D...

Anyway, I read my last post about Morocco, last point was that we went to sleep and we left Abdalla waiting our luggage...

ah wait, I forgot to tell u something about the Hotel, when we went yesterday to the hotel, we found that Dr.Said has reserved only 3 rooms, one Single for him, 1 4-bed room for Amigos + Abdalla and 1 3-bed room for my team... this was something that annoyed me but I was just too tired to be annoyed... so I took the key and went to the room....

Next day, my mobile rang for Fajr Prayer, I tried to awake my colleagues (Mustafa & Abdel Rahman) but they were dead sleep, I prayed alone... of course I was still in my last day's clothes, then went deeeeply into sleep...

Later (at 7:30am) or something like this, they awaked me... the other team (who has already spent one night there and supposed to be somehow relaxed) went to get a breakfast for us... this was the second shock, the reservation in the hotel was No-Board... so I waked up, washed my face and went to have breakfast... we really messed up everything :D, I don't know how wives manage all these things.... u eat and mess things, then in a flash u find everything just fine again...

Anyway... we prepared ourselves to go down (there was wireless Internet only in the Receiption..) we spent some time down there till we agreed to make a contest, we went upstairs, prepared the laptops, failed to make a network (cuz Zezo's laptop didn't has a wireless Adapter) so we decided to submit on flash cards...

The contest started...
We have 3 laptops (Abdalla's, Zezo's and mine) Abdalla was the judge and he was solving problems too...

The first problem was easy, it was about Pic's algorithm (calculate the Area for a polygon on a regular grid), I didn't remember the equation, so we didn't solve it, on the other side, Amigos has the equation and they managed to solve this problem Al 7amd lellah...

We started looking at other problems, we tried to "understand" them.. then I took a problem, Abdelrahman and Mustafa took another one..
Non of them was easy, mine was about checking whether some bricks can form a water-tight cube or not.. Later that day we managed to make it output right answers al 7amd lellah..
I don't remember the others' problems....

It's now about 5:20pm, we decided to stop the contest, cuz we didn't have lunch till now and the AU Guys was supposed to arrive at 6:00pm, we went out to the Market... there were a lot of resturants, mini-markets... etc they were all seem to be not so expensive...

We choose one of them, he was making Grilled Checken, I don't remember how much did the meal cost us, but it was not bad Al 7amd lellah, we went back to the Hotel, and there was no sign for them... we asked the Receiptionests to inform us when AU Guys arrive, cuz we went to the room to eat :D ... the meal was not bad al 7amd lellah but I didn't like the Rise anyway...
After the lunch, we went down and still there was no sign for AU Guys, so we called Dr.Darhmaui to check, he appologized and asked us to come to the university to register, we took taxis and went there, actually there were not enough Taxis, so we went on 3 parts :D, I was in the last round, after arriving there, we found the others already registered, then they took us somewhere to choose the T-Shirts, actually I felt all of them are about the same size :D anyway, we picked what looks more logic to fit our bodies...

We had a pic there as I remember..

There was not much to do that day, we went back to the Hotel, Watched some LOST Series... then went to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep cuz there is a training tomorrow...

mmm we r not tomorrow yet... so, c u tomorrow In Shaa Allah..

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh


  1. Now is 19-12 morning and that means that u didn't send the post tomorrow as u said :huuh

    "didn't" & "tomorrow" in one sentence :D. gr8 combination :D

    Plz post as soon as u can. howa sure i wanna attamen 3leeko fel days elly 2bl el contest, but sure bardo eny care more about the contest itself :P. so, engez b2a 3ayza a2ra post about el contest soon isAllah :D

    Something a7'eer. now as ur blog is published and any1 can have access to it, can i put a link to it in my blog :D??!!

    Something a7'eer bardo :P, sheel 7ewar el "approving comment" da :D. 3ayza ashoof my comment just after i publish it :D.

    I'm so talkative :$, salaaam

  2. Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh,

    mmmm 3andek 7a2... it's now tomorrow but yesterday it was not tomorrow but still, today is not tomorrow... ma3alena :D

    About the posts, u will have to wait in the Queue :huh, the contest post will be Morocco...Day 4 In Shaa Allah... cuz it's the day after tomorrow and today is not the day after tomorrow :D

    About having a public blog mmmm, I guess I'll make another blog somewhere mmm or maybe use google documents cuz I really want some place to speak FREELY....
    mmmm, Ok, feel free to put a link to my blog in ur blog we amree ella allah :D.

    About b2a approving el comments, mm gat fatra keda, kan kol showaya ala2ee comments 3ageeba 3la el blog... we e3lanat we 7agat keda.. fa 3amalt el approving dah... hya battalet tegee.... showaya keda we hab2a asheel el approval In Shaa Allah..

    I'm more talkative than you :huh.. I win :D

    Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh


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