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Showing posts from December, 2005

Last day of work...

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh Date : Thursday Dec-22. Action : Exit interview.. It's the first time to speak about my job as a professional developer for a foreign company... So, let's start the story from the begining.. There is not much to tell about how did i get the job or something.. simply i was chatting with a friend who was gethering some people to start working for that company (he is a senior team manager) he said "u wanna work for Critical Sites ?" i said "why not" he said "send me ur C.V" they needed a lot of C.Vs then they would examine them and choose who would be able to get into the next step which is an interview... 2 weeks later... and yet no calls or confirmations yet.. Actually i was not waiting their call cuz mmmm i didn't really care about work.. i just wanted to know their own opinion... Finally the phone rang, i looked at the CallerID... it showed "--------0--------" i laughed and replied... ...

Oracle is delivered.....

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wabarakatoh, Yesterday, we delivered two projects... and had one of our MID Term exams too... it was a very crowded day....e7l.. First we delivered the Algorithm project .... we worked hard in it... to make it looks mm proffessional... (and it's so e7l).. Abdalla (or should i say Dr.Abdalla :D ) discussed the project with us..... he knows that we understand dijkstra.. so he prefered to ask in the visualization part :D :D :D 3abdalla ba2a :D.... then the doctor came and asked us some mmmm small questions... then bye bye... el algo finished... we had a gap of about 4 hours till Oracle Project delivery... so we prefered to enhance the project a little bit... when we discovered some errors (mm in 2 of the views i wrote) but e7l we managed to repair it... (actually if we couldn't, i'ld have been so sad cuz it was one of the main features (and new) we designed in the StocksMarket system)..... It's 2 pm now... when we should go to deliver but Oh...

ACM Regional, some pics

Regional Contest Day

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, Date : Thursday Dec-1st-2005 Time : 10 am We all arrived at Kuwait Uni where the contest is supposed to be hold.... they took pics for us beside a big model for the earth.... the hole was really nice.... Now they started to call the teams one by one.. give us a card to tell us which hole should we enter... when they called 3*1=0 Dr.Ziad (Contest Administrator) said something that we didn't hear but everybody laughed.... (this is why we chose 3*1=0 ;) ).. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 boooooooom, the contest started ... mmm we all opened the envelops divided the problems... started reading... Mustafa was the first to start coding.. (i just want to add a notice that by now AUC has a Ballon :D)... i can hardly remember what exactly happened in the contest and i don't think it was so important to mention the details here... but we've got gr8 experince... learned a lot... at least we r now convinced that we have to train individually... ISA we can m...

After Regionals...

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, Finally we finished a step in our ACM long way.. actually this step was not done successfully but e7l we got a lot of experince, pleasure, .... and lots of things that e7l were really gr88... we arrived there about 2:40 pm on Tuesday, Nov-29 the whether was just perfect... we enjoyed the AirPort, the clean roads and surely those people respecting the road-lights (u can imagine that they stop their cars when they c the YELLOW light ;) ) After taking us to the Hotel ( Marriott ;) ) we reserved 2 additional rooms for the other team and the reserves... then received our keys :D they were not actually keys... they were mmm some kind of Magnitic Cards..... they gave them to us as suvineers later .. Some of us went to do some shopping and have a walk... i stayed in the hotel just enjoying the room :D... the free Net (accessed using the TV ;) :D),.... Now it's time to go to the registeration room... we paid the fees ... took our T-Shirts.. went ...