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Showing posts from April, 2006

Shoura Interview...

Aslalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh Today, I had my first "physical" interview.. I went to 7aday2 al Ma3ady to have my interview at Shoura's company.. My meeting was supposed to be at 9:00pm, actually I didn't go there before so I went something early -actually I realized that it was so early- I went there about 7:37pm ::.. anyway.. I spent some time figuring out where is their building, then i went to pray... after some time -before the prayer starts- Mustafa (my friend) & Sherif (the CEO) entered the mosque to pray... I welcomed them ;)... The 3 of us then went upstairs, Mustafa went to a different room cuz it was my time to have the interview.. Sherif started by explaining how much he "doesn't" know game development :S... then gave me a trivial question in a non trivial way.. Given an object with mass m and under the gravity g, we have a ground at a certain height, the question is "when will this object reach the ground?" I repli...

ACM Warmup Lessons..

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh Last post about the ACM Warmups contained some details about what happened in the contest day... What about lessons we got ? mmm, First, I should say that no one -till now- reads this blog -it's my own will BTW- so I don't think anybody will get any benefit from the lessons I'll post.. so let the post be mmm a personal evaluation other than lessons for public.. Second, Abdul Rahman, our new-bie partener, has some good points and some bad ones.. Good Point: - He thinks well.. Bad Point(s): - He has difficulties in English.. - He gets tired easily.. - Don't concenterate a lot.. Having 3 bad points and 1 good point doesn't mean he is bad.. I believe he will have a good future ISA... Even if we didn't do something this year together, ISA he can do something with his new team next year... Third, The contest problemset, I think it was kinda easy, except the Dynamic problem, it was easy too but just mm u know, broke the ice.....

ACM Spring Warmup Contest

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh Hope u r all fine.. (no all currently ;) ).. Yesterday, for the first time, we had a contest which 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th-year students participated into.. usually, we make a contest for first year (juniors-as we call them- they should be named "freshmen") and another for the rest.. The contest was 8 problems, 7 of them were trivials.. 1 was Dynamic, this mm strange problemset was put by Abdalla for 2 reasons -as far as I know- 1- He wanted first year to SOLVE... so we can encourage them more and more to enter ACM.. 2- He wanted to train us on what happens on Regionals.. where they bring most of the problems trivial but tricky.. The contest environment was really exciting, a team from 2nd year stuck to the top for about 3 hours -don't remember their name :D- then Amigos went to the top for another period.. then we went to the top for another period, by then all the top teams solved 4 problems, 2 teams from 2nd year, 2 teams from 3rd...


Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barkatoh Some days ago, I've received my googlepages account, and started posting our project's latest info there... By now, I've published the latest news about the graphics project For the Architecture projects -as they r so confidential- so I'm not gonna publish the details for now.. but I keep writing them.. Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barkatoh