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Showing posts from March, 2006

Kuwait Series...1

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barkatoh I'm writing this series to keep them for later reading.... ISA. Let's get back mmm some months ago.. Today, Abdalla asked us to prepare the passports, and told us all papers (as he remembers) that we will need to do so.. Of course, this-as expected- will be a long loop... that hopefully will end up having passports to send to Kuwait Uni to get Visas. Anyway, we started the 1mile road, Papa-JAK- made all my papers, and I went one day after the college to the nearest PoliceOffice to my house, My first impression was mm so bad, no one is on their seat, acctually there were no one in the office except the cleaners although it was not their leaving time (acctually 3 hours before their leaving time), then after some time (about 30 minutes) one of those kings appeared in the sight... it seemed he was having his lunch... anyway.. he sat down started taking request by request, refused most of the requests.. then came my time, refused it -as usu...

Mid-Term Exams Finished

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh.. Hope u r all fine (My very regular start point!!) Yesterday, our exams finished e7l, it was mmm a good day yesterday. Although I wanted it to be full of mm project-speaking and such things but it was nice after all.. We went to CookDoor, ate there, then started to speak about the Graphics Project... (F-22)... We agreed to its basic idea, and the basic structure of the game but we didn't make any tasks-assignment... Next Saturday ISA, Dr.Othman (Who gives us analysis) wants a report about the project that we will do, do u believe it, we've just finished exams yesterday and he wants the report 3 days after that... anyway, we will work on that ISA.. That's it for now, I'm gonna play a little with our graphics project (C++ BTW), enjoy ur time till my next post... Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wabarkatoh.

So-called-Graphics Exam...

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, Today, we had 2 exams today, Graphics Exam and System Analysis Exam, in this order. I'll not talk about the analysis exam, cuz I respect the doctor and he respects us, and the exam was a result of this respect.. Let's have a look at the Graphics Exam... mm 4 Questions, - What is the rule of the Graphics Component in the Interactive Programmers' Graphics System of blah blah blah (very long title that I don't remember)... - Draw the block diagram of the Vedio controler. Those were the first two questions, and mm as u see they very closly related to Graphics... If u saw the doctor's slides, u will know what I mean, those questions where TITLES of slides, and he is asking u to write what u know about those slides... Imagine... this is graphicssssss EXAMMMMMMM Anyway, the other two questions where somehow mmm light, they were something like problems... but in a very very poor english language. I hope others r not like that one...

e7l no accident

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh Today, I was taking dad to the air-port.. when I was in my way back.. the way was empty.. completly empty, that I was going on about 120km/hr, when suddenlly I found a very very bad part on the road, and I noticed a good part on the right most of the road, it was too late to use the brakes, so i just made a hard-turn to the right to use that good part the a hard turn to the left to get back on my way but by then I felt the car is about to mmm fly or will just trun up-side-down, it was sooo light, that a very simply movement to the left or the right could make it make a circle... Anyway, e7l, Allah saved it ( and me:) too), Here is a funny sketch for what happened that I drew when I got back home.. That's it for now.. c u later then.. Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh


Alsalaam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh On Jan-03-2006 I was searching for mmm something that i don't remember when suddenly I found myself on front of one of source-forge projects, which is called ReactOS, as it was written, it's a ground-up implementation for Microsoft Windows XP Compatible OS... Any windows-binary should run quite well on it... it's gr8 to have Windows between ur hands... Why am i posting it now.. cuz i didn't open it till few minutes ago, when my to-do list reminded me to do so :D... Anyway, it doesn't have a good GUI, but it's enough to start playing around... ISA i'll check the code later after the exams (or when my to-do list reminds me again ;) ) C u after making my own OS :huh... Alsalaam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh

Story i liked...

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, Just wanted to keep this in mind... I liked this story so much... Download Here Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh

Plane-Like rotating...

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh Here is some explaination about how to rotate the camera just like the plane rotates... We have Up Vector and a View Vector, to make the camera rotates right, we rotate the view vector about 0,1,0 vector with the angle we wish... RotateView(-0.1f, 0, 1, 0); RotateView will just calculate the new viewVector after multiplying it by the 3D Rotation matrix... This is just regular, Now how to make the the camera (the plane) rotates, we will simply rotate the upVector around the view vector but here will arise a problem that when we continue rotating right, the upVector will just miss the whole thing... mm try to imagine it.. we rotated it about a vector (view) then this view vector changed its direction, then we continue rotating it about the new view... blah blah.. just a total miss.. Actually, I don't know the professional way to solve it, but i got two good ideas (in my opinion), first one is whenever we rotate the view, we rotate the upVec...

Some Kuwait Pics

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, I promised (myself :D) to post a detailed series about kuwait trip.. but here r some pics.. Pics Enjoy... Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh

Kuwait Surprise..

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, This is the first time to post a post from Linux, although i've been using Internet since i got Gentoo but didn't think to post from it mmm... i'll post about my linux's experince soon ISA.. Anyway, The surprise didn't happen in Kuwait or even soon after we came back, it just happened 2 days ago.. exactly on the day of the ACM Event. Abdalla discovered that the problem he was trying to submit and that gets him "RTE" was cuz he wanted to write a clean (& clear :D) code, so classes, delete any instance of the class, that cuzed him to delete (sometimes) null pointers, which has strange behaviour on different compilers, he tried it with Visual Studio and it was working, but GCC is really wired dealing with it, cuz it sometimes crash, sometimes not.. After the contest, we (mustafa & me) were about to kill him cuz of insisting to delete the pointers, we just suspected it, and now he made sure this was the prob...

OpenGL project... F-22

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wabarakatoh, Some days ago, we (my projects' team) decided to make our openGL project a game mmm having that is related in somehow with F-22 (if u know it), a plane, that goes off, lands, does something in the air (that we didn't determine yet). Anyway, 2 days ago, i decided to think a little bit about what we will need to make people feel they r flyyyyying, so i sat down and determined to prepare the Camera to move around like if u r drving a plane, right, left, up & down. Just the day before yesterday, i managed e7l to make the camera rotate around the view axis and the perpendicular axis to the view and the up vectors, for those who r not related to game programming by any mean, just skip this paragraph. Now, we will have to get a good Plane Model (which we prefered to build on our own but we r not 3DModelers Experts) then we will still have the big problem, the scenario, we need a good and interesting scenario for what is the mission of th...

Today is my birthday..

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, Today is my official birthday (as written in my SSN)... Nothing have been done for that.. but i think a lot happened inside me, mmm not changes (in case u thought so) but i just had a lot of thoughts... I remembered our days in Kuwait, I hoped to be back-home with a laptop not cuz i want a laptop but cuz this means we got one of the two first places.. I thought a lot, dreamt a lot... dreamt to have a better life, a big present in a respectable field and my own small family... Some days ago, I had a schedule stelled... ISA ISA ISA, I'll follow it till the end.. Hope to achieve something ISA.. mmm, I didn't say any details here, I'm not intending to. I just wanted to set here and speak freeely, without finding a friendly person asking about anything... Just wait my series about Kuwait's trip & preparation (who wait ? no body :D, I'm just speaking to myself). Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh

HomeComing Party..

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, Yesterday we (ACM Committee) made a tiny party for 1st year students to introduce what is ACM.. we called it HomeComing instead of the regular name "Welcome Party", cuz mmm we fed up with that name.. besides we wanted to be different. It had few parts, IQ, LightFood, Historical Part but people liked it, i liked it myself. We also published the newsLetter... it contained some nice articles, New Tech, Tricks.. etc. We also spotted our faults that we will not repeat ISA next year. I'll try to post some pics soon ISA.. Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh

Situations 2

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat allah wa barakatoh, Do u know the difference between "ze2bak" light and that regular-yellow light ? Actually, some years ago, i didn't know the differnece but i asked and knew that the first type is used in run-way cuz they can lighten a long distance very well.. i'm talking here about car-lights and street-lights as well, Anyway, 2 situations happened today i just wanted to keep them memorized.. First : I was driving in a tunnel that i don't remember its name, it was lighten with a lot of those regular-yellow-lights ( alot here means a lamp every 30-50cm ) when suddenly i saw a greeeeeeen-light lamp, i smiled cuz 2 thoughts came to my mind, either the yellow lights went off, so they simply put any green-light-house-lamp instead or that this is a new technology that few years later i'll find some one posting in his blog (maybe by voice) about the difference between ze2bak, yellow and green lights... Second : I was driving when a huge 4...